Every year, the Munich Underwater Hockey Open Air Tournament marks the end of the German UWH season before the summer break. This year again, on 21 July, 15 teams coming from all over Europe (France, Switzerland, Ireland, England, Germany, Czeh Republic…) competed for the Munich trophy at the beautiful outdoor pool of Taufkirchen (Vils). The day ended with a great party at a traditional Bavarian tavern with local beer and big bonfire! We look forward to seeing you next year.
Congratulations to Mix Szusz, Balkan Express and Wahoo Zürich for their places on the podium!
- Mix Szusz
- Balkan Express
- Wahoo Zürich
- Warwick Barbs
- Löffel Team
- Aqua Delfia
- Prague-Budweis Bastards
- TCO Weinheim
- Warwick University
- Maschseegurken
- Fischerstubers
- Sour Marlins
- Team Berlin
- Sweet Marlins
- UCD Krakens